Is Transformation For You?

by | Jan 16, 2025


Transformation is a BIG concept…

and it sounds really difficult! Why would I want to embark on such a concept when I’m getting through life ‘okay’ just as I am, and what does transformation mean anyway? As a Christ follower we are invited by the Holy Spirit into all aspects of this journey with our motives for transformation to that of becoming more Christlike. Another perspective from a Harvard researcher, David Vago describes transformation as “a reduction in suffering through an increased awareness of the conditions that cause (and remove) distortions and biases of the mind.” NOW…the question becomes ‘who wouldn’t want to experience this’ and ‘how soon can I accomplish it’? I’ve had people say to me “not everyone wants to be transformed”. To this I respond; well, would you like to have less suffering and healthier relationships? Personally, I am convinced that one of the ‘conditions’ that cause distortions and biases of the mind is when we do not ‘seek first’ His kingdom and righteousness’ as explicitly stated by Jesus in Matthew 6:33. Note this scripture does not say ‘seek only‘. Some may initially seek transformation simply be to become the ‘best version of themselves’ which could lead to a deeper spiritual journey. Vago’s definition says transformation offers a reduction in suffering…not elimination of suffering, which Jesus never promised. Vago put forth a nuerobiological model that offers a framework for consideration and to aide the process of transformation. But before moving into these concepts I invite you to receive the truth that transformation is a lifelong journey of seeking, growing, and integrating all that you’re learning about yourself.

Nuerobiological Concepts of the Transformational Process

Self-directed neuroplasticity – What we practice grows stronger and experience drives change. Yet studies show that just having positive experiences is not enough. We need to engage actively, repeatedly, and with intention in order to reshape the old, unhelpful behaviors – this is the process of conditioning the mind, where the brain learns and stabilizes positive patterns of responding to situations. Thereby, our brain makes new connections and has the ability to transform itself physically, known as neuroplasticity. How fabulous, that we can teach an old dog new tricks!
Interoception – is the ability to direct our attention inward, inside our bodies to sense the body’s signals by noticing how moving and breathing affect how we think and feel, and conversely, how we think and feel affects how we move and breathe. Interoception helps with regulation of our ANS (autonomic nervous system) which enables more desirable responses to the demands of life. When we are more present in our body we can learn to sense what it’s telling us, which promotes the balance of mind, body, spirit.
DMN (default mode network) awareness – our DMN is active during passive rest and involves thinking about self, others, regretting the past, or worrying about the future. These thoughts or (internal voices) show up in stories and relate to our identity. Negative events and thoughts have a greater impact and can create negative biases. These are often discovered in coaching sessions and when we do the work to unburden these aspects of ourselves, great progress can be made. As a person becomes more attuned to their DMN a person learns to live with more intention rather than habitual ‘autopilot’ patterns. Identifying motivations that drive our behavior can lead to positive change, which is the basis for transformation.
Narrative medicine – otherwise known as ‘story-telling’ is being widely used as a healing modality in clinical settings as well as in supportive community groups. This practice allows people to feel heard and understood, which is important to healing narratives about our past so we can live in the present. Even though the role of a Life Coach is about helping people move forward, sometimes parts of a person’s story receives greater healing by their sharing and processing some aspect deeper. The power of having our stories ‘witnessed’ reminds us that there is hope beyond our story. Change and growth are inevitable as we intentionally walk with Jesus. Knowing and believing that we have everything we need to live full, purpose-filled lives is freeing and allows for the transformation process to take place.
Less suffering – more Joy in 2025!
Are you ready to become all you were meant to be? Deeper healing requires deeper surrender to what could be.
It would be an honor to walk this journey with you.
Happy to announce that I have obtained my coaching credential through CCNI, Christian Coaches Network International.
It represents meeting and adhering to high ethical and professional standards as a CCC, certified Christian coach.