
Together we can restore your heart, reaffirm your identity & renew your life’s purpose.



I support people of faith who are experiencing the loss of a relationship restore their heart, reaffirm their identity & renew their life purpose.

Meet Your Coach

Anywhere in nature where I can see the Lord’s majestic handiwork is where I’m most at peace. Experiences that fuel my senses, especially in foreign countries, are the best kind of memories forever stored in my mind and heart. In these, my blessings overflow.

Life experiences leave imprints on us, good and bad, especially in our formative years.
My relationships weren’t set up for much success due to trauma and adverse childhood experience that went unrecognized until years later.

As a single mom for nearly 30 years, my three children are living good lives and I enjoy cheering on my three grandsons at their sporting events.

The greatest gift we can offer the next generation is to heal our brokenness and become the healthiest version of ourselves. It’s a journey I’m still on, but I see hope in front of me.


Life Coaching
faith based life coach



  • Transformational Life Coach
    ACTC (Advanced Certificate in Transformational Coaching) Western Seminary
  • Certified Christian Coach (CCC)
    Christian Coaches Network International (CCNI)
  • Certified Trauma-Informed Coach (CTIC)
    American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC)
  • CISM (Critical Incident Stress Management) trained 
  • DVAT (Domestic Violence Advocacy) trained
More Qualifications...

Certified – Interior Design Consultant & Aging in Place Specialist

-15 years – Owner – Interior Design Business

AA – Applied Science – Licensed Occupational Therapy Assistant

-10 years – Special Education

-10 years – Physical Rehabilitation

-8 years – Geriatrics

AA – Business/Arts

Certified – American Counsel on Exercise

-7 years – Personal Fitness Trainer

United States Air Force

-4 years – Life Support Specialist

Fuel for the journey…

Restoring your heart

takes time and is hard work. My world crashed down when the reality of my abusive marriage became physical. I had been determined to hold this marriage together. I had given it all I had for nearly 10 years. The loss of relationship under these circumstances is hard on a heart that was once filled with hope and only had good intentions. Healing hadn’t even begun when I lost two close family members and my beloved pet. Seasons of abandonment by other close family members while I was attempting to put my life back together, only compounded my grief and sense of unworthiness.

Moving forward… With the assurance that God will never leave you, steps can be taken to heal your heart. Whatever your story of relationship loss is, be it divorce, death, abandonment, the pain is real and solutions for moving forward are the same. Cling to the fact that God has got you in the palm of his hands and will walk with you day by day.

Reaffirming your identity

knowing that you’re deeply loved by God and that your true identity rests in Him is the best affirmation we can hold onto. The ending of a relationship with someone you’ve invested a lot of time and effort brings change. The loss may be unexpected, undesired or, actually be in our best interest. Change and loss bring a season of adjustment often associated with discomfort, which is why most of us resist it when given a choice.

Moving forward… This season of life can be a fruitful time to discover the depths of who you are, and an opportunity to learn new tools for doing life different; better. No matter how or why the loss occurred, self-reflection on what your contributions were to the relationship are beneficial for the health of future relationships.

Renewing your life’s purpose

with a desire to thrive not just survive brings assurance of a brighter future. While seeking God’s will for my life, I received clarity that His desire for me was to use my life experiences to help others see His redemptive vision and power at work in this world. I believe now that my personality and life have been custom designed for holding other peoples pain and struggles, without having to fix them. These are glimpses of thriving that I’m grateful for.

Moving forward… Since we are not of this world, we can’t be destroyed by it. Our life stories are opportunities to share how good God is when we intentionally set out to become the best version of ourself. The process of transformation from being shattered to rejoicing in the midst of a chaotic world is the experience of faith and hope that we get to share with others. The question we can ask ourselves is; are we living a life that utilizes our god-given strengths, one that pleases and glorifies God?

Coaching Series

The topics listed under each series are only suggestions based on where people may be in their process of healing or transformation. This is your journey, so we can customize or repeat a series, or work in any topic area that benefits you for as many sessions as you like.

Restore Your Heart-

Topics to move beyond coping

• Exploring your emotions
• Soul & self care
• Healthy life balance
• Self Acceptance
• Boundaries
• Letting go

Reaffirm Your Identity-

Topics to heal & grow

• Personality assessment(s)
• Taking responsibility – What am I doing?
• Emotional Intelligence
• Attachment style
• Resolving conflict
• Your True Identity

Renew Your Purpose-

Topics for thriving

• My God-given strengths
• Values and beliefs
• Spiritual gifts
• Transformational process
• Healthy relationships
• Rejoice in the Lord!

Coaching Options

One to One

• Zoom

• In-person

• Phone

Small Group or Workshops

Customize your gathering. Relax and enjoy being a participant while I facilitate the topic of your groups choosing.
Total number of meetings will vary dependent upon topic chosen, your time frame, location, and number of participants.

Free Consultation

Contact us to schedule your consultation.

Click Here!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the value of working with a Certified Christian Coach?
The Christian Coaches Network International (CCNI) is in alignment with professional coaching standards initiated by the International Coach Federation (ICF) which is the world’s largest and most recognized organization of professionally trained coaches. It holds the highest professional and ethical standards in the industry. While CCNI and ICF have much in common, as Christian Coaches, the expression of faith is allowed to be manifested and to guide client relationships and coaching conversations. A certified christian coach partners with clients in a thought provoking process to create new awareness and perspectives to assist with personal and spiritual growth as well as how these areas intersect with a persons professional, or ministry development.
What are the benefits of working with a Transformational Life Coach?

True transformation is not just ‘doing’ what God wants us to, but involves ‘being’ different from the inside out. It’s a process that occurs when we are willing to listen, turn aside from our old ways and integrate new perspectives that are congruent with God’s ways. The process includes increasing awareness of mind, body, and spirit while moving from a place of coping to healing to thriving. Transformational Life Coaches believe that people are innately creative, resourceful and whole and our purpose is to draw out the best in everyone we work with. The focus is to coach the person, not the specific situation they’re struggling with.

How does coaching differ from counseling?

Counseling is focused on helping people heal from adverse or traumatic situations, often dealing with the past which may require psychological intervention.

Coaching primarily focuses on the future with relatively healthy clients who are rational in their thinking and are willing to be accountable. Our goal is to partner with clients to create new ideas, thoughts, and beliefs in order to maximize their unique potential.

Am I a good candidate for being coached?

– Your status is relatively stable and you’re able to focus towards the future.

– You’re seeking to grow in your personal or professional development.

– You are willing to explore your potential with a desire to think beyond where you currently are.

– You are willing to accept another person’s insight or feedback and open to new perspectives. 

– You’re ready to commit to the coaching process and make changes to achieve your goals if necessary.

Who can benefit from your coaching?
  • people navigating through change or loss of a relationship
  • experiencing challenges with existing relationships – personal or work
  • wanting help discovering your life’s purpose
  • you are struggling with motivation
  • seeking a more balanced lifestyle
  • desiring to get unstuck in decision making
  • people with a desire to unlock their full potential
What can I expect from an individual coaching session?
Typically we schedule 60 minutes per session. We will use this confidential focused time to identify a specific topic and your desired outcome for our session. We will explore the topic, its importance to you and the benefits. All while creating new awareness of self and barriers that might keep you from achieving it. Primarily, my coaching style uses effective questioning and reflective listening around who you are, where you’re currently at and explore where you want to go within yourself or the situation. We will partner on identifying best action steps and methods of accountability for achieving your desired outcome.
What is Trauma-Informed Coaching?
With an estimated 70% of adults in the U.S. having experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives, we as coaches can expect that trauma will show up in our coaching sessions. The impact of trauma can influence thoughts emotions and behaviors which affect an individuals growth and goals. Understanding this dynamic allows coaches to create a safe and empathetic environment, preventing potential retraumatization. By addressing trauma openly, coaches can guide clients toward healing, resilience and personal development. This awareness transforms coaching into a holistic process that honors each individuals journey, unlocking their full potential while respecting their past experiences.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path”

Proverbs 3: 5-6


Rue - age 27

I have completed a coaching series with Christine. This is exactly what I have been looking for! I have done therapy for several years, but I was tired of having to revisit my past trauma. I needed tools and to move forward and this is what the program did for me. I realized I have been settling in my personal relationships, my ‘inner committee’ had been tormenting me every day causing fear, anxiety and to doubt myself in the decisions I make. I have been able to get closer to God and my faith has grown so much. I have been making life changing decisions and no longer settling in my relationships, career, with myself and I have been trusting God. This program has changed my life. Thank you so much Christine.

Debi - age 66

I sought out coaching with Christine while I was going through my divorce this last year. It helped keep me grounded in forward thinking while I continued working with my counselor on dealing with my anger. The work I did in coaching helped me look at my old pattern behaviors and why I was stuck. I was able to discover new tools to help me make better choices for my future. When I’m stressed now I’m incorporating new ways of thinking and lifestyle habits. I always leave our sessions more encouraged and hopeful about where I am in life. 

Bradley - age 39

I have struggled with communication issues with certain loved ones in my life and had been trying to figure it out on my own for so long. I decided it was time to receive some help. The life coaching I’ve been doing with Christine has helped so much by offering a perspective outside of my own. With use of the enneagram tool, and most importantly the reminder that I’m not alone as I walk with Jesus have made big changes in how I see myself and therefore respond in my relationships. I wake up everyday now with a new train of thought and valuable tools that I have received with the help of my life coach. As of right now, my future looks more positive than I’ve seen possibly ever before. Much thanks to Christine, my family, and The Lord Jesus!

Kim - Age 44
I’ve had a positive coaching experience while focusing on my post-traumatic growth, and I enjoy the weekly check in. It has helped me understand myself better, and think about the things I need to change in order to achieve the mindset I need to get more active in my life, be more present, and practice gratitude. I’ve been working with Christine for 10 months now, and she has seen me through a major case of codependency, which I’m still struggling with, but I’ve come a long way. I’m more independent in my life and in my mindset. I’ve finally gotten myself to a point where I’m able to feel some pride in what I excel at. I’ve been able to set strong boundaries in my relationship, and I’m feeling more capable of disciplining my children, as I don’t feel like a hypocrite because I’m not making healthy choices but modeling the kind of behaviors I want to see in them, and that’s a source of pride. My goals and needs have shifted from depending on the acceptance or validation of other people, to validating myself by goal crushing and strengthening my discipline and ability to “handle” scary or unknown situations. I’m still on my way and might always be, but I’m grateful for the new focus.

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